9th Avenue Reconstruction

The 9th Avenue Reconstruction portion of the project includes complete reconstruction of the roadway pavement, full installation of concrete curb and gutter, partial replacement of water main and full replacement of water services, improvements to the sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems, traffic signal replacement at Broadway, and construction of a 5-foot concrete sidewalk on the north side and an 6-foot concrete concrete sidewalk on the south side.

The Broadway portion of the project between West 54th Street and West 57th Street includes partial reconstruction of the roadway pavement, partial replacement of concrete curb and gutter, full replacement of water main and water services, improvements to the storm sewer system, traffic signal replacement at West 58th Street, and construction of a 5-foot concrete sidewalk on the east side of France Avenue between West 57th and West 58th Streets.

Stay Informed and Involved

  • Learn more about the project in our Updates and FAQs.
  • Drop a pin on our priorities and challenges map so we can better understand what matters most to you!
  • Have a question or a quick comment? Leave it here.
  • Follow the project and we'll share updates and invite you back to provide input in the future.

The 9th Avenue Reconstruction portion of the project includes complete reconstruction of the roadway pavement, full installation of concrete curb and gutter, partial replacement of water main and full replacement of water services, improvements to the sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems, traffic signal replacement at Broadway, and construction of a 5-foot concrete sidewalk on the north side and an 6-foot concrete concrete sidewalk on the south side.

The Broadway portion of the project between West 54th Street and West 57th Street includes partial reconstruction of the roadway pavement, partial replacement of concrete curb and gutter, full replacement of water main and water services, improvements to the storm sewer system, traffic signal replacement at West 58th Street, and construction of a 5-foot concrete sidewalk on the east side of France Avenue between West 57th and West 58th Streets.

Stay Informed and Involved

  • Learn more about the project in our Updates and FAQs.
  • Drop a pin on our priorities and challenges map so we can better understand what matters most to you!
  • Have a question or a quick comment? Leave it here.
  • Follow the project and we'll share updates and invite you back to provide input in the future.
  • What We Heard

  • Next Steps

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback through our maps and surveys. We have started to take all that information and begin the initial design. Next, we will be scheduling the small group discussions. If you expressed interest, either through the poll on this site or at the open house, we will be reaching out with an invitation to join those meetings. We look forward to working with you on the next stage of this project. If you have questions, you may continue to use the Q&A on this site.

  • Open House Recap

    An open house meeting was held on March 25, 2023 and we were able to listen to ideas and concerns from residents. We got great feedback and input. Thank you to everyone who attended. As we have stated previously, this website is designed to provide the same options for listening as the open house.

    We asked residents to place stickers on maps that highlighted their concerns and ideas for future use of West 54th Street. Similar functionality is available through the maps tab, simply click on “MAP”, go in, and drop a pin with your ideas and concerns.

    In addition we asked about people's experiences which is now available as a survey on this website.

    Residents were also given an opportunity to tell us if they would like to participate in small group discussions, if you are interested in this please respond to our poll and we will reach out once those dates and times have been established.